coming Sunday marks the beginning of what I call the 91 days of light. It’s the
day of the summer solstice (June 20 this year) and the 45 days on either side.
The period from May 6 to August 4 will be the quarter of the year with the
longest days.
some point in the past this must have been considered summer, hence the
designation of solstice day as Midsummer. Actual summer runs from June 20 to
September 22. What I think of as high summer, the time when students are out of
school and the beaches are packed on weekdays runs roughly from Memorial Day to
Labor Day.
that is not a strictly accurate measurement. It used to be, in California at
least, that the schools didn’t get going until after Labor Day. Now they start
a week or two before, which makes those last two weeks of August a great time
for a getaway for mature adults.
the days of light, sunset is at 8 p.m. or later, with another half hour of
decent light immediately afterward. In the mornings, it’s light before 6 a.m.
Plenty of time, in any event, for a walk before work or after dinner.
season has its points, but summer, however you calculate it, is my favorite.
Growing up in Los Angeles, it meant staying out playing really late in warm, if
not downright hot, weather. Now it means barbecuing in shorts and a T-shirt (if
the fog hasn’t rolled in early) then going for a walk on the beach after
dinner. On the whole, the longer days and extra light mean more time to
appreciate the world around you.
sense of squeezing every moment for all it’s worth is particularly powerful
when you’re on vacation. If you’ve spent a day getting somewhere, and have only
a few days there once you arrive, long summer nights are value-added. In my
formative years, our parents took us on several long driving trips during
summer vacation. Often, we’d check into a place around 4 p.m. and have dinner,
then my sister and I would play afterward.
amazing how vividly I can recall some of those places 50 years later, and a
large part of that is that we had a long summer night to impress them on our
minds. Just off the top of my head, I’m flashing back on a cabin on the Snake
River in Idaho; a motor court along the Willamette River in Oregon; a ranch in
Wyoming; a summer home without electricity in Puget Sound, Washington; and a
garden-variety motel in Penticton, British Columbia, where we sat outside the
door under an overhang, watching a powerful thunderstorm break up at sunset.
of fishing memories, too. My father always used to insist that you had to get
up early to catch fish, a theory for which the evidence seemed spotty at best.
I remember plenty of May and June mornings in the mountains, where we hit the
water before 6 a.m. and were freezing and miserable for three or four hours
before the sun finally warmed things up. On a more positive note, there’s
nothing like being on Hat Creek when a good evening insect hatch gets going in
May and June and the fish are on a binge.
have no plans to go anywhere during the 91 days this year, so I’ll be enjoying
them at home. And in coastal California, it takes a long time for summer to
dissolve into fall, so we could get two more months of summer after the 91 days
end — but without those long nights.